Blue Odin imports your WooCommerce order data.

To view all of your site orders, go to Metrics > Orders.

This is what the ORDERS section looks like:

the orders view in blue odin

Here’s what the columns in the screenshot above mean:


Order status can be Completed, Processing, Pending, On-hold, or Cancelled


The order number along with the order date.

You can click on the order number to view the full order details. 


This is the amount the customer paid for.

Hover over the (i) symbol to view the breakdown.

Here’s an example:

hover over the i symbol to view the value breakdown


The total amount paid minus the cost of goods.


The name of products the customer purchased.


The total number of products purchased.


The name and location of the customer.

Click on the customer name to view their full customer details.

What can you do in the Blue Odin Orders section?

First, make sure you’re looking at the right store.

You can select the store in the store selector dropdown.

choose the right store

Then, you can check out all of your store’s orders! 

you can search for orders or sort by status and order id

You can SORT orders by:

  • Status
  • Order ID

You can SEARCH orders by:

  • Order ID
  • Product Name
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Location

You can click on the Order ID to view the full order details.

Here’s an example:

show order details

You can click on the Customer Name to view the full customer details.

Here’s an example:

show customer details